When you're in need of cosmetic dental work, you may be lacking the self-confidence you would otherwise have. You want to have the work done but aren't sure where to turn, what the cost will be, or how it will all work. Come to our experts and get the answers to your questions.
We offer a wide variety of cosmetic dental options. No matter what you're looking to achieve, we will work with you to ensure your needs are being met.
Zoom! is a revolutionary tooth whitening procedure. It's safe and effective while also being fast. In just over an hour your teeth will be dramatically whiter. So if you don't have time to use whitening strips or wear teeth whitening trays, call us today.
• Zoom! Whitening
• Smile design
• Re-contouring the shape of teeth
• Veneers
• Bonding
• All ceramic / porcelain crowns